=========================================== External Resources, Videos and Talks =========================================== For written documentation, see the :ref:`user guide `. New to Scientific Python? ========================== For those that are still new to the scientific Python ecosystem, we highly recommend the `Python Scientific Lecture Notes `_. This will help you find your footing a bit and will definitely improve your sklearn-theano experience. A basic understanding of NumPy arrays is recommended to make the most of scikit-learn. A decent grasp of `Theano `_ is also useful for developers who wish to build their own modules or contribute. .. _videos: Videos ====== - `Neural Networks for Computer Vision `_ by `Kyle Kastner`_ at EuroScipy2014 A thirty minute talk describing the use of Python tools for computer vision, and introducing some of the core examples and usage of sklearn-theano. .. _Kyle Kastner: http://kastnerkyle.github.io